


There are a number of defaults you can setup.  This can be done under Account which can be found under Data in the main menu.


Tolerances can be used for automatic reconciliation, e.g. you can enter 3 in the Tolerance Movement Date - For which would mean that PalletWatch would assume that the docket is matched if the movement date is 3 days in your favour.

Email Templates

PalletWatch can send automatic emails to your trading partner or one of your sites.  The wording of these templates can be changed as long as you do not change any words within brackets.

Export Frequencies

You can set how often you want PalletWatch to export.  A common setting is to export Daily with a Export Delay of 2 days.  This gives users the opportunity 2 days to change a docket before it is exported.

Export Receiver Declare

It is recommended that this remains ticked.   Pallet hire companies will not process receiver declare transfers off your account and you will receive error emails from CHEP and Loscam.

Email Alterations to TP

If this is ticked then copies of emails relating to corrections/rejections/reinstatements will be emailed to the trading partner.  If PalletWatch does not have the email address then you will be required to enter one or else untick the email TP against the individual docket.

Use Double Dockets

PalletWatch normally prints one pallet docket to an A4 page but ticking this box will change this to two copies of the same docket on an A4 page.

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