Company Move Date
In Data/Dockets when you click on the "Toggle Invoice Dockets" icon (next to the Notes icon) against a docket you will see orange rows appear if the docket has been invoiced. Each orange row represents a different version of the docket, e.g. you could have the normal Transfer Off docket and then another two rows showing Reversal of an Off and Correction Off.
You will see a column called Physical Move Date and Company Move Date.
Physical Move Date
When you create a Transfer Off docket the Receipt Date is either automatically calculated or you can select a date manually. This is the Physical Move Date.
Company Move Date
Pallet Hire companies generally do not care about the Receipt Date unless an EDO is in place. What they do care about is the Effective Date, i.e. the date when the transfer of equipment takes place. The import from the hire company will bring in the movement date and it will display in the Company Move Date column. If the Physical Move Date and the Company Move Date it would indicate that the trading partner received the equipment on a date different to what was on your pallet docket. If these dates differ then it is likely that the Effective Date is also different and the receiver may raise a date correction.