A dehire is when you return empty equipment to CHEP or Loscam.
Dehire Order
It is important when returning empty equipment to the pallet hire company to provide them with a docket to ensure that they process the equipment off your account. This is done by generating a Dehire Order. This docket is normally given to the driver returning the equipment ensuring that you retain a signed copy so that it can be followed up if required. There may be situations where a Dehire Order is not raised, e.g. if a carrier dehires equipment without coming to one of your sites.
When the equipment is received by the pallet hire company the driver will be given a Dehire docket. This docket should be returned to the sender so that it can be keyed into PalletWatch.
Cancelling a Dehire Order
When a Dehire docket is received ideally the corresponding Dehire Order number should be entered into the Reference 1 or Reference 2 field. The Dehire Order docket can then either be cancelled or if the Dehire docket is not keyed but is imported from CHEP or Loscam then the Dehire Order can be matched with the Dehire docket. A docket can be cancelled by going to Data in the main menu and then Dockets.