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Audit Dockets
Audit Dockets Whilst pallet controllers should identify uninvoiced transactions to follow up from Reconcile Reports or Uninvoiced Transaction Reports there is another area where dockets can be checked. This can be found in Actions\Audit Dockets. You ...
Cancel Dockets
Cancel Dockets You cannot delete a docket in PalletWatch but you can cancel it. To cancel a docket do the following: * Go to Data\Dockets and click on the dropdown arrow next to the docket number. * Select cancel. * Enter the reason. * Click Save. If ...
Unreconciled Invoice Docket
Unreconciled Invoice Docket In Data/Dockets you may see a blue question mark icon. This indicates that there is an unreconciled movement in the Reoncile screen for this docket.
Edit Docket
Edit Docket You can use the filters to bring up one docket or a range of dockets. The buttons at the left of each docket lets you perform a number of actions: Edit - lets you change the details of the docket. There are some things to note. If the ...
Docket Scanning
Docket Scanning You can import dockets into PalletWatch by scanning. This is where PalletWatch uses OCR (Optical Character Recognition). The user would scan pallet dockets to a PDF file and this file is then imported into PalletWatch instead of ...