Effective Dates
The Effective Date is the date when the transfer of equipment takes place. The movement date could be different to the Effective Date, when this happens the transfer of equipment has been delayed until the Effective Date.
Loscam transfers will be invoiced in line with the effective date, e.g. if the effective date is in March then the transfer will not be invoiced on an invoice earlier than March. It may appear on an invoice earlier than the effective date as a Delayed Transfer but no transfer of hire and relevant costs will not apply until the invoice in which the effective date aligns.
CHEP transfers will be invoiced in line with the movement date regardless of the effective date. If there is an Equipment Days offset (EDO) arrangement in place then it can be confusing as the movement date and the effective date will display the same date but then the number of delay days will appear in the Delay Days column on the CHEP PDF invoice.
If the transfer is not exported to the hire companies in a timely manner then the transfer could appear on a later invoice than it could have if the transfer was done sooner.
Effective Date Before Movement Date
If a date is changed in PalletWatch then the user needs to ensure that the Effective date is AFTER the despatch or receipt date otherwise pallet hire companies will not process them. If you receive an error message from a hire company then you need to edit the docket and change the relevant date so that the Effective Date is not earlier than the Despatch or Receipt dates.