Email Create to Trading Partner

Email Create to Trading Partner

Email Create to Trading Partner

When creating a transfer off or non hire move off docket PalletWatch can automatically email details of the docket to your trading partner,  This is not a PDF file of the docket but rather a list showing details of the docket.  The email will be sent as soon as you create and save the docket.  Each docket will have its own email so it is not a consolidated list of dockets for a day or other period of time.  You could run a Transaction History Report for a trading partner and then attach it to an email but this is a manual process.

To enable sending emails when creating dockets you should do the following:
  1. Go to Data/Trading Partners.
  2. Click on Edit for the trading partner.
  3. Click on the checkbox "Email Create to TP".
To use this feature PalletWatch needs to be set up with the email address of the trading partner.  PalletWatch does have many email addresses but if it does not appear at the bottom of the trading partner screen then you will need to find out what it is and email so that PalletWatch can be updated.

You should ensure that the trading partner has agreed to receive these emails.

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