Export Transfer Ons

Export Transfer Ons

Export Transfer Ons

There are two types of accounts:

Sender Declare

Most companies are sender declare, i.e. they notify the hire companies of transfers off their accounts.

Receiver Declare

There are some companies which are receiver declare, i.e. the pallet hire companies will only process the transfer if notified by the receiver.  These companies include:
  1. KMart
  2. Target
If you deal with receiver declare accounts then you need to closely monitor your uninvoiced transfer offs to ensure that they are invoiced within your expected timeframes.  If they are not invoiced then you need to send proof of delivery to the receiver and ask them to have them processed.  There are time limits on alerting receivers to dockets not being invoiced so if the receiver is not alerted in a timely manner then you could lose pallets as your claim may not be accepted due to its age..

Export Transfer Ons

Most companies do not export Transfer Ons so if you decide to do this you should be aware that this will transfer equipment on to your account(s) even if the sender has not notified the hire companies. 

  Some things to consider are:
  1. Loscam do allow duplicate docket numbers to be processed so there is a risk that the transfer on to your account could be duplicated.
  2. Some trading partners may use a handwritten docket for the delivery to you but then generate an online docket from MyCHEP or Loscam Online.  Both dockets could be invoiced to your account.
  3. The docket you enter may not have been delivered to your site.  The sender may become aware of this and raise another docket to the correct receiver.
  4. If you export aged transfer on dockets it has the potential to hit your cash flow, i.e. there could be a sudden large increase in your pallet hire costs.
An alternative to exporting transfer on dockets to hire companies is to notify the senders of any dockets that have been received but not invoiced to your account.

If you decide that you do want to export transfer ons to your account then please do the following:

Export Transfer Ons for Specific Trading Partners

  1. Go to Data\Trading Partners.
  2. If you want to export only specific trading partners then click the red button "Turn on Exporting Ons" next to the trading partner.

Export Transfer Ons for All Trading Partners

  1. Go to Data\Trading Partners.
  2. Tick the Action checkbox at the top left of the column headers.
  3. Click "Turn on Exporting Ons" at the first trading partner.

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