Finding an email address
PalletWatch does have many email addresses but not all. There are a number of ways to find a trading partner's email address:
- It may be in PalletWatch. You can go to Data/Trading Partners. At the bottom of the screen where sites display you may or may not see an email address.
- You can go to MyCHEP and go to Administration/Manage Other Parties. You can enter the account number in the Find box or scroll to the bottom of the form and click on "Add Other Party". Enter the account number and click on the magnifying glass.
- You can go to MyCHEP and go to Manage Transactions/Review/Modify. Enter the docket number and click the magnifying glass. When the docket number appears click the arrow at the left of screen and when the form opens click on Contact Details. There may or may not be an email address.
- You can email or
- You can do a Google search, find the trading partner's website and give them a call.
If the email address is not in PalletWatch and you find it could you please email and we will add it to the database.