Notifications in PalletWatch can be found under Data/Notifications. If your account is being reconciled in a timely manner then the dockets in Notifications should be resolved through normal reconciling but Notifications can provide early details of why a docket has not been invoiced.
Notifications include the following:
- Replies to emails sent from PalletWatch, e.g. request for docket copies, etc.
- PalletWatch alerts, e.g. missing invoices, exports not confirmed, CHEP credits created, etc.
- CHEP error messages where dockets exported to CHEP will not be processed due to a number of reasons, e.g. docket numbers already submitted, invalid effective dates, account closures, incorrect docket numbers, etc.
You can click on the column headers to sort, e.g. sorting the Message column may be helpful.
Users should take action on these notifications where needed.
You can got to Notifications under Data in the menu. Against each notification there are three options:
Go to - takes you to the docket in Data.
Acknowledge - removes the notification.
Ack + Go to - takes you to the docket in Data and removes it from Notifications