Reconciling a Loscam Dehire

Reconciling a Loscam Dehire

Reconciling a Loscam Dehire

Loscam can invoice dehires using docket numbers which are not the same as the Dehire docket you receive from Loscam.  The number they use can be your Dehire Order number or it could be some other number.

When imported the Dehire docket will appear in your Reconcile screen as a missing docket.  To reconcile it you should do the following:
  1. In Reconcile click Find Match and then Search.
  2. Possible matches will appear at the bottom of the screen.
  3. Matching fields will show in green but the imported Loscam dehire number will not match.
  4. Identify the relevant docket and double click on it to match it to the imported docket.
To make the reconciling process easier it is recommended that the Dehire Order number be entered in the Notes and Reconcile Notes of the Dehire docket.
The process is the same for reconciling a Loscam Issue.

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