Trading Partner Names
PalletWatch is a single database used by all customers. This means that the same trading partner name is used by all users. Trading partner names are set by PalletWatch Support although any user can create a trading partner and give it a name, this provided that the trading partner's account numbers are not used . This name and any other details may be updated by PalletWatch Support. If you find a name you know to be wrong then please raise a Ticket and PalletWatch Support will check it out and change it if necessary.
If you want to give a trading partner a name based on your preference then this can be done as follows:
- Go to Data/Trading Partners.
- Click Edit against the trading partner you want to change.
- Enter the trading partner name you want to use in the Alias field.
- Click Save.
The Alias name will appear in the Create Docket form but the printed docket will show the trading partner name in the PalletWatch database.