Transit Days

Transit Days

Transit Days - Trading Partners

Transit days are the number of days travel between two sites.  PalletWatch automatically calculates transit days based on preset days in the database, e.g. 2 days from VIC to QLD, 1 day from VIC to NSW, etc.  Unfortunately it does not take into account weekends as some deliveries are made on weekends.

If you find that you need to have a different number of transit days then you can set them as follows:
  1. Go to Data/Trading Partners.
  2. Edit the trading partner.
  3. Click on the Transit Days tab at the top of the screen.
  4. Click "Add new Transit Days".
  5. Select the "From Site" or leave blank for All Sites.
  6. Select the "To Site" or leave blank for All Sites.
  7. Enter the number of transit days.
  8. Click Save.
You can also opt to change the Receipt Date when creating a docket but this will not impact on the effective date if the term is calculated from the date of despatch.
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