Transit Days - Trading Partners
Transit days are the number of days travel between two sites. PalletWatch automatically calculates transit days based on preset days in the database, e.g. 2 days from VIC to QLD, 1 day from VIC to NSW, etc. Unfortunately it does not take into account weekends as some deliveries are made on weekends.
If you find that you need to have a different number of transit days then you can set them as follows:
- Go to Data/Trading Partners.
- Edit the trading partner.
- Click on the Transit Days tab at the top of the screen.
- Click "Add new Transit Days".
- Select the "From Site" or leave blank for All Sites.
- Select the "To Site" or leave blank for All Sites.
- Enter the number of transit days.
- Click Save.
You can also opt to change the Receipt Date when creating a docket but this will not impact on the effective date if the term is calculated from the date of despatch.