Receiver Declare
The majority of accounts are Sender Declare, i.e. the sender notifies the hire companies of transfers off their account and the hire companies process them.
There are some accounts which are Receiver Declare. This means that the hire companies will only process transfers based on data from the receiver. The hire companies will ignore transfers from senders to receiver declare accounts. Hire companies will send out emails alerting senders to the fact that transfers to receiver declare accounts can not be processed. N.B. Some email messages indicate that the receiving account is receiver declare when it is not, the message is used for a number of reasons why the transfer cannot be processed.
If you do transfer to receiver declare accounts then you have to be very diligent in checking your uninvoiced transactions. It will be your responsibility to check that all transfer offs are processed by the hire companies.
If you want to turn off exporting for a trading partner then please do the following:
- Go to Data\Trading Partners.
- Untick Export Offs.
A company could change from Receiver Declare to Sender Declare. If you do not tick Export Offs then equipment could be lost.